Chicanx-Latinx Studies
As a Chicanx-Latinx Studies student, your exploration of identities, cultures, and experiences of the Chicanx-Latinx narrative will provide you with a deeper understanding of our interconnected world

About This Program
- You will study three areas of the Chicanx-Latinx experience: 1. Educacion: Identities, Cultures and Communities; 2. Experiencia: Literature, Music, and Representation; and 3. Sin Fronteras: Experiences in the Americas.
- Our program is part of the Intercollegiate Department of Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies (IDCLS). Established in 1969, it stands as the nation’s second oldest studies department in this field. A variety of resources throughout the 5Cs will be available to you.
- As a major in the field, you will be immersed in the Chicanx-Latinx community with community-learning opportunities and civic engagement experiences.